Restaurant Dining Furniture: Things to Consider

Jun 26, 2023

Buying furniture for your home is very different from buying furniture for a restaurant or cafe. There are certain extra things you need to take into account when purchasing this type of furniture. In this article, we’re going to look at what considerations need to be made when buying furniture for a restaurant or cafe. 


One of the main things you need to ensure when buying furniture for a business is that it's durable and hard-wearing. The dining chairs and tables will see much more wear and tear than items that are placed in your home. People also won’t take as good care of them as you might do with your own furniture. Therefore it's really important that you choose furniture that will withstand the constant use and extra force that customers may use when dining in your restaurant. 

Price and budget

The price you’ll want to pay for each table and chair will depend on the type of business you’re running and how much money you can allocate out of your overall budget. There are lots of different things you will need to purchase when setting up a restaurant business, tables and chairs are just a small part of the overall equipment that you’ll need. Make sure you divide your budget well so you can afford everything on the list. The good thing about buying dining furniture for a business is that you can often get a discount as you’ll be buying several sets. Make sure you shop around and find a company that’s willing to give you a discount for buying in bulk.

The space in your restaurant

The amount of space you have in your restaurant will change what type of furniture will fit and what will be most suitable for the room. You will need to carefully measure your space and plan out how many tables and chairs you want in your restaurant. Fewer tables may create a more exclusive atmosphere and will give guests more space to move around. However, adding more tables will allow you to serve more customers at a single time and can help to improve your profits. The tables and chairs you choose will alter the number of people you can seat; think this through carefully to ensure you can maximise profits and create the right atmosphere. Tables that can be pushed together and separated again are good for restaurants as they can easily change up the space and cater for larger or smaller groups of customers.

Furniture maintenance

Things like painted dining chairs can look great, but they might need more maintenance than metal or unpainted wooden options. Keeping your restaurant furniture looking great is important; if you don’t, customers might be put off and eat elsewhere. Always consider how much maintenance and cleaning you will need to do to keep your restaurant in top condition. If you are planning to pay for the maintenance, this cost will also need to form part of your business plan. Otherwise, you will need to consider the time needed to do the maintenance yourself. Low-maintenance furniture is often the best option for busy restaurants that want to maintain high standards. 

When buying dining furniture for a restaurant or cafe, several key factors should be considered; the factors listed in this article are just some of the most important things about choosing furniture for a restaurant. Other things to consider include your brand identity, any regulations in your area and the comfort of the chairs; customers are unlikely to revisit if they find your chairs really uncomfortable.

Durability is crucial, as the furniture will endure heavy use and potential mistreatment from customers. Setting a realistic budget is important, considering the overall expenses of the business. Optimise space by carefully measuring and selecting furniture that maximises seating capacity while maintaining comfort. Maintenance should also be taken into account, with low-maintenance options being preferable for busy establishments. By considering these factors, you can choose furniture that reflects your brand, enhances the dining experience, and ensures long-term functionality. Prioritising durability, budget, space utilisation, and maintenance will help create an inviting and practical dining environment that leaves a positive impression on customers.

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